Friday, March 13, 2015

Prune With Patience! #NurtureYourDreamGarden


Prune With Patience!  #NurtureYourDreamGarden

You will never know how the Infinite Creator of Every Universe meant for you to blossom if you are not willing to dig deep into the dirt of the Earth/Heart.

Till your heart's soil with delight.  Learn from the weeds of disappointment.

Create a strong, healthy foundation. Plant new dream seeds with hope.

Prune with Patience. Celebrate every bud and honor the roots with care.

Share your flowers when they bloom and blossom.

To Enjoy the Bountiful Fruit of Love, Prune With Patience and Always Nurture Your Dream Garden!
Peace is Possible through Compassion, Forgiveness, Kindness, Mercy, Understanding, Respect and Love!

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