Sunday, January 11, 2015

This is Earth School!


This is Earth School!

No matter the challenges and struggles, we must find peace within our hearts and walk with Loving tenderness.

This is Earth School.

Some come to learn, others to teach. Some are warriors. Others are peacemakers.

Some walk with great faith and become personifications of Loving hope.

Others are learning about the material world and mistakenly embrace greed and power. They have forgotten Love.

No matter who we are, our time here is finite but our Spiritual existence is Infinite and Eternal.

While we are here we must honor and celebrate each other, Love each other and cherish each other as beings connected in Love.

Today honor family, friends and strangers. Share compassion. Forgive with humility.

Make Peace with All.

Our time to be here may be short but in leaving we are never alone.

Those who return before us to Heaven, our angel ancestors await us---just as they live always in our hearts and soar through the Uni-Verse unlimited or restricted by physical bodies assisting us.

G-d lives through them and through us. There is nothing but Love. Love is G-d in action. This is Earth School.

Please Re-Member Love...

Ten Times Breathe In Love. Exhale Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love.

Be Love...and Live Only with Love in Your Hearts Today!

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Forgiveness, Kindness, Mercy and Love!

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